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4.4.20: Someone you're involved with may be trying to overload you with their own opinions, false facts, or emotional rants today, but you don't have to put up with it. In fact, you can do your own research and correct their misconceptions, but if you do so, do it gently and without a hint of enmity. Use the information you learn to empower yourself, especially if you're at odds with your partner about how to handle your mutual concerns. Finding ways to turn a negative into a positive is your task right now, particularly when it comes to matters of the heart.
4.5.20: As you ponder ways to infuse your romantic world with new energy, you're also identifying routines that do nothing for you, making them prime candidates for the chopping block at this moment. You're working toward identifying what your heart truly needs, and exploring radical ideas is the best way to venture out of your comfort zone and into new emotionally enriching territory with someone you love. You're deeply motivated to infuse your romantic goals with your newfound lust for life: The tried-and-true ways of old don't cut it anymore -- especially now that you're opening the door to a brand new world of passionate possibilities.
4.6.20: Sometimes you just have to escape into your happy place, and although you feel perfectly justified in doing exactly that today, it could cause some ruckus with a love interest. Get on the same page as soon as you can and put a few emergency measures in place to help you avoid similar misunderstandings in the future. Talk things through like adults and then prepare for lighter, more harmonious energy tonight as the Moon arrives in lighthearted Libra. A wonderful shift in emotions will give you and the one you love all the reasons in the world to forget your troubles. Put off any remaining heavy stuff for another day. Tonight is for love.
4.7.20: A bold wave of energetic abundance arrives on the doorstep of your 11th House of Companions today, thanks to the Libra Full Moon and its buoyant energy. You choose to express yourself with gusto and authentic passion, especially if you haven't thanked someone you love for something they did to make you happy recently. If you haven't done it in a while, take some time to make your sweetheart feel appreciated, and definitely do not hold back -- be as generous as you can because when someone brings love into your world, it's a very big deal. This can be a very special moment in your romantic world, one worth savoring slowly and joyfully.
4.8.20: When realizing a very specific dream of love starts to seem unreachable today, it may bring you way down, especially if you've convinced yourself that there is absolutely no chance for such a romance to flourish. Stop to consider what your attitude is doing to your reality, because you may be the only person keeping you from making progress toward a special romantic goal. Ask yourself if your fears are taking up too much room in your psyche, because you may be scaring yourself off from embracing and utilizing your passionate power. When you head for bed tonight, visualize exactly what you desire: Your subconscious will take notice and you'll soon be heading for your dreamy destination. Everything begins with an idea.